
The Society for the Advancement of Social Studies (S.A.S.S!) presented a series of mostly monthly lectures from 2011-2020, designed to both entertain and enlighten. At each meeting, we discussed a different historical topic that audience members probably knew at one point, but don’t remember anymore.

The Society for the Advancement of Social Studies was founded in 2011 by Larissa Hayden and Anna Rasche, two lovely ladies with a shared passion for history, hosting events, and drinking like champs. As part of they’ve sought to create an inviting environment for adults to come and learn the history they feel like they should know about, but don’t yet.

Partner with SASS

History helps people better understand the world around them, and should be accessible and engaging to everyone. From this conviction, SASS has partnered with NYC venues and institutions including the Brooklyn Historical Society, New York Historical Society, and Brooklyn Museum to create presentations of historical topics that attract, entertain, and educate audiences for nearly a decade. With a focus on meaningful, clear communication and well-designed visuals, SASS hopes to inspire audiences who may never have thought of themselves as history enthusiasts to learn more about the past and how it shapes the present.

The Society For The Advancement of Social Studies is available to collaborate on event production, consult on programming, present previously developed lectures, or develop custom talks for your organization.

Secret SASS

In continuation of the lecture series, SASS hosts infrequent history pop-ups for small groups of people and in secret locations that are revealed only to our registered guests. Attendance to our Secret Lecture Series is strictly limited to maintain an intimate and exclusive atmosphere, allowing attendees to connect with fellow attendees.

To be a part of our Secret Lecture Series, simply sign up to our mailing list and keep an eye out for our exclusive invitations.


Email us to get in touch about future partnerships, lecture opportunities, guest speaking engagements, or media opportunities: getsaucedatsass@gmail.com